skip to content ismh 12 12th international symposium on maritime health scroll down to content posts posted on may 8, 2018 may 9, 2018 picking merchant service for small business a merchant service from refers to any financial service that allows the use of debit or credit card for transactions. other services include the use of pay-pal and web-pay. this article will help an entrepreneur to chooses the best merchant service to his or her small business enterprise. before picking the merchant service, it is very important for one to first focus on the main factors that are pertinent to the business. there are some factors to consider in picking merchant service for your small business. these include:the first factor to consider is the fees charged in the transaction. the fee charged depends on the transaction data volumes and the total the money or revenue generated after the processing. the larger the volume of transactions, the higher the fee will be incurred.some merchant service providers charge differently according to the amount being transacted. for instance, transacting a huge amount of money may be free to transact whereas a small amount may be charged highly. in some cases the vice versa may happen, where one tis charged a less amount when transacting a small amount of money. another case is when paying for goods using the electronic cards, the charges may be very low. before picking the merchant service you should make sure that the rates of charging are reasonable.another factor to consider is the cash flow. this is the time a credit card can hold money electronically from processing time to the time the card reaches a withdrawing point like a bank. some cards may hold the money for long time so as to increase the interests. this might not be the case with the pay-pal and web-pay since the systems are integrated with the cards and therefore the cash flow time may be limited. if you compare the cash flow between the traditional credit cards and debit cards with the pay-pal system, you find that pay-pal systems are comparatively low since the system combines the merchant account with the processor. one should also consider how long the money reflects into the account after depositing in the bank. one should also consider the technical competencies of the merchant service. here one should focus on the technical benefits from the electronic payments and cards. another factor to consider is, does the merchant service provider give training on how to use the cards and the transaction systems. therefore, the business owner should be conversant with the use of the credit and debit cards.he/she should also give some training to the customers who use the electronic cards for transactions.on-line capabilities is another factor to focus when picking the merchant service. these are are capabilities such as withdrawals from the websites. a good example of these systems is the pay-pal account where one can transact from the pay-pal wallet to buy goods and also withdraw directly to the bank. one should check whether the merchant service provider offers free technical support options. you should also check on the reliability of the service such that there are no many complaints on the use of the systems. posted on april 18, 2018 when should hair oil be used? it is true that applying oil to your hair is one of the best ways of improving the strength of hair and its quality. other than this, applying oil to your hair is accompanied by a number of other benefits like improving your sleep, ensuring that your mind is calm, treating headache and many more. but the big question that arises is, when should hair oil be used? therefore, you should have knowledge of the right time when you should apply oil to your hair. as a result, the following is a discussion of the right time of using three squares hair oil . 1. when you need a high-quality hair hair oil is the best option when you want to see an improvement in your hair quality. a high-quality hair is the one that has a better growth, minimal split ends, a soft and shining one, and not accompanied by any signs related to premature graying. the best time for applying hair oil is at night. you are required to keep it through the night and then wash it on the following morning by use of lukewarm water. furthermore, the best time for applying hair oil is when you are washing the hair. but, washing it daily is not allowed mostly for the cases with long hairs. it is vital to wash it utmost three times per week. moreover, applying oil to your hair after washing it is not encouraged. this is because it is likely to cause attraction of dust as a result of pollution effects and the harsh rays coming from the sun. however, you can apply it if you are within your home. 2. when you want to eliminate dandruff if it chances that you are such a case suffering from scalp dandruff or suffering from scalp irritation, application of hair oil is a vital requirement. applying hair oil frequently is in a great position of eliminating this kind of problem. you should apply oil to your hair and scalp within a period of one hour to the time of bathing. also, washing should be done using warm water. 3. when you are after relieving headache application of hair oil is essential when it comes to a headache-relieving. however, a number of people keep asking, when should hair oil be used to relieve to relieve a headache? therefore, it is important to seek advice from the specialist in this case before applying it. usually, headache is said to be accompanied by vata. therefore, you need to apply oil mostly in the evening when there is a lot of vata domination. 4. when you need to have a good sleep you can be promised of a good sleep by using hair oil to have a gentle massage on the head for a period of 30 minutes to sleep time. also, you need to keep in mind that the head massage should be done with a type of hair oil that promises effective results. and this can be achieved by seeking advice on the best hair oils for the same. having followed these two, you are in a position of having the best night sleep. posted on april 6, 2018 april 9, 2018 5 benefits of having a window shelf those of you who love having indoor plants can relate very well to what it means having a window shelf. the mere sight of greens in the house relieves one from stress and mixed thoughts, especially after a hectic day at work. apart from the comfort they can also prove to offer you some privacy in case you have a nosy neighbour, or kids in the backyard who like to peek through windows. given the nature of benefits of indoor window shelves, let us look at some from below: 1 – enhances interior decoration if you need an upgrade to your room’s interior decoration, or if you simply need a changed look for your living room, adding window shelves is the safest and the most affordable way to go. you can use the window shelves to place some fancy lamps that glow in the dark at night. it will give a serene look at night and you can even impress your guests with a candle lit dinner in the room in the presence of these night lamps. even the kids will love doing their homework in such a serene environment. 2 – allows room for indoor plants window shelves are the best way to have indoor plants to add beauty to your house. you can use the space for growing herbs and essential oil plants that promote feelings of comfort and peace. having indoor plants also keeps one busy in a healthy hobby as this demands a lot of care and devotion. 3 – offers privacy next time you find the neighbour kids peeking through your window, they will only be able to see the greens or the lamps. will give them enough reason to stop by and smile at your art work. perhaps this will promote friendly feelings amongst them and your kids in the future. 4 – promote your crafts store if you are someone who is into selling crafts, window shelves are a great way of showing off some of your master pieces. great work sells fast, much before you know it. it will not only show off your craft skills to the neighbour hood but will also spread with the word of mouth to other neighbour hoods. this is a means of free marketing that can go viral if your work is really great. 5 – keeps away harmful insects you can use the window shelves to grow plants that are natural repellant against mosquito and insect bites such as lemon balm, peppermint and citronella. not only will this get you rid of those horrible mosquito repellant creams but it will also add a nice aroma to the house. if you look at the overall benefits, window shelves not only add beauty and comfort to your house but they also prove to be a means of security, health, and earning, depending on what purpose they are used for. you can even use them to collect donations for your neighbour hood slums, schools, amusement parks or food shelters. there are lots of benefits of window shelves but these can be enjoyed only if you have interests in any of the hobbies that make them work out for you and your family. posted on march 17, 2018 march 22, 2018 nitrile gloves: a primer before diving into the relative merits of nitrile gloves, let us take a quick look at what nitrile is. nitrile is a form of synthetic rubber which has certain unusual properties. without getting bogged down with the chemistry, the key properties and distinctions that are relevant here are its resistance to oils and chemicals as well as its resilience. with that titbit about nitrile gloves in place, it becomes very easy to see why it is a favored material for use in making gloves. as a doctor who is habitually going to be exposed to dangers both from the patient (blood-borne pathogens) or from his own tools like scalpels, having the right gloves is of paramount importance for long-term safety. for such professionals who work with sharp implements (surgeons, tattoo artists etc), the extra resilience to being punctured makes nitrile gloves a godsend. compared to latex, which is also commonly used for making gloves, nitrile gloves are much more puncture resilient when using steel puncture probes to test the resilience. since latex allergies are becoming more and more common, and since there is the danger that people with allergies to latex may be unaware of it until contact occurs, there is a need to have gloves made of a different material. furthermore, since it is possible for people to develop allergies to substances that they have had exposure to in the past, nitrile gloves without any latex content make for an excellent substitute for making gloves, even if the organization uses predominantly latex gloves. the consequences of latex allergies range from skin reactions like hives to breathing issues like sneezing and a runny nose. in extremely severe cases, latex allergies may present with anaphylaxis which is potentially life-threatening. needless to say, none of these is permissible when donning safety equipment like gloves which are supposed to protect you. having nitrile gloves on hand allows for rapid responses to such unfortunate incidents or allows you to avoid them all together. of course, an excellent case can be made for using nitrile gloves instead of latex gloves. in addition to the puncture resilience that was discussed, its resistance to chemicals makes it ideal for professionals whose job involves handling petroleum or hazardous chemicals. the added protection could be the difference between a close call and a career ending injury! the primary concern when choosing gloves and other safety equipment is how well they would perform in emergencies. while most of the time, the difference between nitrile gloves and others (like latex) is going to be academic, the rare circumstance of an accident is when the differences become apparent. in times of crisis, you want to be focused on evaluating and responding to what is happening without fussing about with your gloves. the quality of nitrile gloves allows the wearer to have that peace of mind and safety. finally, nitrile gloves are waterproof and this makes them useful for reasons of convenience as well. waterproof gloves can serve excellently even for mundane tasks in and around the house. and if at all there is the need for greater protection, you will be glad to know your hands are safe! posted on march 13, 2018 do pain patches actually work? patients with short and long-term pain, these pain patches provide a genuine relief, including evading the need to over and again offer medicine to a hesitant patient. the patch was produced for human and contains fentanyl, an opiate, and morphine-like drug. doctors prescribe the patches for pain medication. this implies these pain patches can be utilized safely and is officially approved for humans at . these patches are available in several doses, containing varied measures of fentanyl. the dose is specified in micrograms (mcg) and delivered through the skin -from 12.5 -100 mcg for every hour which is both useful, since we can utilize the patch on essentially any size person, and easy since patches can’t be cut down (fluid fentanyl would spill out of the container). these patches are applied to the shaved skin, and following a 12- 24-hour delay, which starts to gradually and steadily carry the medication through the skin and into our circulation system. this delay enables doctors to put a patch on a person the day preceding surgery with the goal that it works soon after the procedure ends. if not possible, different medications are utilized to the point that the patch begins working. we can likewise consolidate the patch with different painkillers. these must be picked carefully, as a few drugs might counteract the patch. the combination is good when mixed with the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, both treats pain with the different mechanism. since a few patients seem to react to the patch more than others, which helps doctor prescribe pain management plan for different individuals. after roughly three days, these patched will be empty which can be replaced and removed. since fentanyl is tightly regulated, the doctors may probably ask to return the patch. at the surgical practice, doctors have utilized pain patches following spine surgery (neck and back), jaw surgery, ear surgery or chest cavity surgery. other likely situations can also include repair of an extremely bad fracture, tumor removal or limb amputations. however, use of pain, patches are not only limited to the surgery patients. it’s likewise beneficial for medicinal conditions which are particularly agonizing, for example, pancreatitis and peritonitis. like most medicines, fentanyl patches also can cause reactions. some of them are slow heart rate and sedation, serious breathing difficulties or slow breathing pattern, euphoria and abnormal excitement, constipating and trouble urinating. in the event that such reactions happen, the patch ought to be removed quickly. while most people endure the patches but not all do. so never hesitate to contact your doctor if someone is having a faulty response. these pain patches may likewise interact with different medications, for example, medications to treat some parasites, therefore doctors measure the advantages and disadvantages on the basis of different cases before recommending its utilization. watchful supervision is necessary when these patches are utilized. fentanyl is addictive and can be abused-intentionally or accidentally-by people. one of the dangers is trouble breathing and can cause suffocation. kids are particularly in danger, and some doctors refuse to recommend pain patches if there’s a young one in the family. do pain patches work? in general, these pain patches can be very useful and beneficial and has significantly changed doctors’ pain protocols. the side effects are by and large uncommon in humans while most people benefit largely from pain relief. posted on february 18, 2018 february 23, 2018 neuropathy & nerve damage if you are having a tingling sensation and numbness in your hands and toes or having some loss of reflexes, then you may be suffering from a condition known as neuropathy, which is also widely called peripheral neuropathy. this is a condition where a person suffers from the abnormality in the nerves of his/her peripheral nervous system. when the nerve cells get damaged or ruptured, they are not able to function properly which is primarily to synchronize with each other and also the brain, then this is due to the presence of neuropathy, as can be learnt from . there are three types of nerves who come together to form the peripheral nervous system and play a vital role in keeping you healthy and all the parts and organs in perfect shape. sensory nerves – responsible for taking the messages from different senses to your brain via the spinal cord. the feeling of pain in case of an insect bite is due to the same reason. motor nerves – these nerves are exactly the opposite of sensory nerves, taking message from brain to different muscles in the body. the response of making the insect go away and rub the bite area is due to motor nerves, autonomic nerves – these nerves take care of the functions which are not in your control like heart beat, bp, breathing, etc. symptoms and pain associated with neuropathy there are a large number of symptoms that you can suffer from, below are the most common ones. sensation of tingling & numbness in the hands and toes. severe pain or just the opposite of it and loss of sensations like pain, touch etc. state of lack of coordination and reflexes. suffer from muscle weakness which can result in difficulty in walking or function of legs and arms. can suffer from spasms and cramps major loss of control over the muscles abnormal blood pressure or heart rate. suffering from diarrhea and vomiting indigestion which results in weight loss causes of neuropathy causes of neuropathy are plenty, and do not occur due to any single irregularity. commonly it is divided into two – first being hereditary which passes from one generation to the other and is almost impossible to cure. second being acquired which is highly common type of neuropathy that occurs worldwide. some of the causes are trauma of any sudden event, infections like hiv, systemic diseases like kidney disorder or cancers, medication and vascular disorders. alcoholism is also a major reason for neuropathy, consumption of high quantity of alcohol can risk the amount of thiamine from the body. in case the cause behind the neuropathy is not possible to find, it falls into the category of idiopathic neuropathy. around 30% to 40% cases of the total are idiopathic and other 30% being the result of diabetes. prevention of neuropathy foremost things that you need to take care of are the medical conditions like diabetes and the habit of alcoholism. some other preventive measures are the lifestyle choices such as consuming a diet made up of green vegetables, fruits, grains and proteins which are rich in nutrients. go for regular exercising which keeps you fit. avoid risk factors like smoking, chemicals, etc. this is all you need to know about neuropathy and nerve damage in the best and brief way possible, to avoid neuropathy by taking prevention methods or get the treatment started as soon as you encounter any of the symptoms. posted on december 19, 2017 december 20, 2017 bifocal lenses for increased vision comfort many people have difficulty reading newspapers and books because their eyes have experienced some changes due to natural aging. in this case, they may need special reading glasses that are particularly made for material reading. another fact is that some people may still have myopia and need to wear regular prescription eyeglasses for distance vision. this sounds a dilemma that those people are forced to put on their reading glasses while reading and then switch to prescription glasses for distance activities such as watching tv. bifocal lenses are a wonderful invention, and it is said that they were invented in the 19th century by benjamin franklin himself. they help people with two separate vision problems and can greatly improve the comfort of someone who has vision problems because mostly these people are forced to carry two different pairs of glasses with them at all times. this is because with age you sometimes get two distinct disorder and you have problems seeing things that are far away from you, but also seeing a thing which is too near to your face, like newspapers, books or a television set. this can easily be helped by wearing glasses, but switching back and forth from one to another pair can be a bit frustrating, especially if it also means cleaning two pairs of glasses and caring for them (and not losing them, of course!) bifocal lenses in glasses can circumvent these problems by simply integrating two different lenses in one pair of glasses. this is done by integrating lenses with two different corrections in the same frame, thus creating a pair of glasses which, depending on where you look through the lens, provides you with different correction. now, the easiest way to accomplish this is just to put one half of a lens on top of another, and this results in a tiny border that everybody can easily see and which has become the recognizable sign of someone wearing bifocals. but it doesn’t have to be so obvious. modern lens designing allows for one lens to be put in the middle of the other in the form of a half-moon or circle where you can look through if you’re reading, or you can even wholly make the distinction between the two lenses disappear so that your lenses look like normal lenses for ordinary glasses. this allows for a more esthetic exterior and also for far more vision comfort because you won’t have to look for another different pair of glasses anymore. this way you have all your needed vision correction on your nose all the time without the need for another pair, and you can read and look at landscapes as often as you like without blur. bifocals are a good way to treat yourself to some more living quality if you haven’t yet had bifocal lenses, because it makes a difference if you’re able to see sharp and clear all the time. it’s a little bit like buying a new pair of glasses after your old ones weren’t strong enough for eyes anymore. everything will seem sharper, and the world just seems different once you see it in more detail! posted on september 7, 2017 september 14, 2017 welcome to the 12th symposium on maritime health! it’s great to have you here on our blog, get ready for the latest and greatest in maritime news. here’s a great video to pique your interest in what we do! posted on august 30, 2017 hello world! welcome to wordpress. this is your first post. edit or delete it, then start writing! search for: search recent posts picking merchant service for small business when should hair oil be used? 5 benefits of having a 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